The Books

Backyard Poultry – Naturally
This book covers everything the backyard farmer needs to know about poultry husbandry, including preventative and curative herbal medicines and homeopathics, plus permaculture design for productive poultry pens.

Cover image of Diving Earth Spirit by Alanna Moore

Divining Earth Spirit
This book presents the ideas and research of geomancers, Earth healers and dowsers from around the world,with an Australian perspective.

Stone Age Farming 1st & 2nd Editions
Eco-agriculture for the 21st Century, including the use of paramagnetic rock and Towers of Power for enhanced plant growth.

Cover of Wisdom of Water by Alanna Moore

The Wisdom of Water
An in-depth look at a subject crucial to survival, from a water diviner’s perspective.

Sensitive Permaculture
A book that combines and deepens understandings from her previous books.

Image of cover of Water Spirits of the World by Alanna Moore

Water Spirits of the World – from nymphs to nixies, serpents to sirens
Opening windows onto the genius loci of watery landscapes, Water Spirits of the World brings alive a rich tapestry of ancient geo-mythos. From the other-dimensional reality of Australia’s Aboriginal Dreamtime to the modern art of dowsing the devas, this book will delight and surprise.  For seekers of the soul of landscape, it provides unique insights into the spiritual nature of life and place.

Touchstones for Today
Designing for Earth harmony with stone arrangements

The Sheltermaker’s Manual
In this innovative and supremely practical Manual Peter Cowman articulates what can only be described as the secrets of vernacular architecture, or, as he calls it, ‘sheltermaking’.

With its emphasis on the positive, the practical and the affordable The Sheltermaker’s Manual articulates a proven design methodology for the creation of versatile and meaningful designs suited to the modern world, information which can be applied both to new as well as to existing buildings – in whatever part of the world one happens to live.

Earth Render – The art of clay plaster, render and paints

Rendering or plastering is a craft as old as house building, the basic methods and concepts having changed little over time. This book offers a detailed look at the use of raw earth for painting and rendering walls in new as well as in existing buildings, focusing on sand-clay render, straw-clay render and clay paints.

‘ … an extremely well written and easily understood practical manual’
Peter Hickson President, Earth Building Association of Australia

‘James Henderson has produced a little gem of a book that will, I am sure, be eagerly sought after by anyone who wants to know about clay and its uses in renders and plasters.’
Rob Hadden in Owner Builder magazine


Peasant in Paradise

This new, down to earth, practical book chronicles Alanna’s exploration of temperate zone, eco-friendly living in a ‘normal’ home in rural Ireland and why this is an imperative today. It’s a tool for the times – anyone can do some of the actions required, with inspiration gained from the plant profiles and low carbon recipes, to poetry and a plethora of tasty visuals to bring the rich flavour of the healthy, eco-peasant way into the realm of your own possibilities.

Books in Italian

Fairy Haunts of Ireland

– a guide to magical, uplifting and supernatural sites, where one can access the ancient spiritual heritage of Ireland and participate in her ever-luminous Other-world continuum,
by Alanna Moore November 2023